
Friday, May 24, 2013

Ideas for next year

This past Monday I finally had the opportunity to present and discuss my proposal to put special needs on the Tikkun Olam agenda for next year.  It was really well received!  Several people were motivated to work with me towards making some specific proposals to be presented at the June meeting, when the actual agenda will be put together.

I think that the following would be doable:

1. Organize a group to represent us at one or more Down Syndrome Buddy Walks in our area.  This will allow us to make connections in the wider special needs community.

2. Sponsor a screening of Praying With Lior, followed by discussion. Depending on how it goes, this may lead to screenings of other topical movies TBD.

3. Collaborate explicitly with Gateways, a local Jewish organization which provides Jewish education including Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation, to children with all kinds of special needs.  Specifically, invite a representative to speak to our Bnei Mitzvah group about their Mitzvah Mensches program, hopefully leading to year-long cooperation, creating a framework for greater integration in the next generation.

4. Plan to coordinate with other congregations and organizations for Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month, so that we have representation at events and can learn from others' experiences.

I am so excited to work with the other members of the group to make these ideas - and who knows what else - become a reality!

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