Special needs adoption from a Jewish perspective.

Special needs adoption from a Jewish perspective.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Two Little Girls

Two little girls are recovering from life-saving surgery today.  The first, 4-year-old Lyla Spitz, had open heart surgery just last week.  She has Down syndrome, and is also missing her left hand.  When she was adopted from a Urkrainian orphanage last year, her prognosis was very poor.  In fact, her adoption was delayed several times because it was believed that she would not survive the trip home.  Over the course of the past year, several specialists at different hospitals shook their heads at her condition, concluding that she was not healthy enough to undergo surgery, that the surgery required was too complicated, and/or that she would not survive the recovery.

Well, as I wrote in the last post, little Lyla sure proved them wrong!  The specialists at Boston Children's Hospital figured out how to do the surgery, and within a few days she was moved out of the ICU, and was up and walking around.  Here she is, smiling and dancing as the Healing Harmony Quartet is serenading her:

Isn't my husband adorable?  (Well, so is Lyla...)

While we were with Lyla, my WhoIRun4 buddy, 3-year-old Sianni was undergoing surgery for her neurofibromatosis tumors in Virginia.  The surgery was successful, and she is now in recovery, too.

Wishing full recovery to both of these lovely little girls!


  1. Ohmygosh, this is so wonderful!!! Oh, the miracles of modern medicine, and of adoption!! Beautiful little girl - I'm so glad she proved everyone wrong. Boston Children's is supposed to be amazing. We had a choice of Boston or Philadelphia for Samantha's surgery, and chose Philly because I'm from that area originally. Thanks for commenting on my blog! Too funny, your post. :-) Glad to find you!

    1. Thanks! Do let me know if you ever swing by Boston -- I love meeting bloggy friends in person!

      And yeah, CHB is awesome. One of the benefits of living here, worth dealing with New England winters and Boston drivers.


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