Special needs adoption from a Jewish perspective.

Special needs adoption from a Jewish perspective.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Down syndrome Learning Program Boston

Today was exciting!  It was the first session of the Learning Program that I started volunteering at last year.  There were 2 class periods, with 2 class periods with 2 simultaneous groups meeting at each time.  The first group I helped with was the oldest children (mostly 10-11 years old), several of which were featured in the promotional video produced a couple of years ago:

These children remembered me from last year, and showed great competence.  Most of them could talk with clear diction, follow directions, and showed great enthusiasm to participate in the familiar routine.  In fact, one of the recurrent admonitions to that group was "Leave the teacher tasks to the teachers!" as several kids were eager to instruct others in proper behavior.....

After a short break, the next shift began.  Now I was assigned to the youngest group, mostly brand-new 4-6 years old.  Adorable!  A couple of the children in this group were repeating it from last year, and they recognized me.  They were eager to get in my lap, a refuge from the crowd of new faces.   At least half of them were still in diapers, and several had ankle braces peeking out from their little sneakers. Still, it was a large group, and most of them adjusted to the routine of the class remarkably well, and had fun, too!

I just adore these kids!

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