Most interesting, I thought, was the commentary on a little-discussed effect on early prenatal testing (non-invasive prenatal testing, or NIPT) . Many in the Down syndrome community worry about the projected increase in T21-related terminations. However, Dr. Guedj points out that,
An early diagnosis of trisomy 21 with NIPT (10 weeks of gestation) offers a tremendous opportunity to intervene in utero using safe and well-designed therapeutic strategies that will potentially lead to a very significant, which is not to say a complete, normalization of brain development and cognitive outcome in newborns and children affected with well as cardiac and thymic development, as he explains later.
In other words, more research, more treatments, and more attention will translate into both higher quality of life for individuals and more acceptance for differences. As with nearsightedness, more options empower individuals to make the choices that are right for them, which ultimately reduces, not increases, the stigma. It is not either/or, but and/also.

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