Naomi loves to be a princess:

I think she would really love the holiday of Purim. I see her getting dressed up in the frilliest princess dress, with the biggest bow, and a tiara too. She is holding her princess magic wand in one hand, and a basket of goodies in the other. Her brother is dressed up as a cowboy. Purim is the anti-Halloween. Kids have the same fun dressing up in costumes, but instead of going door to door demanding sweets, they go door to door giving goodies away! At the end of the round of "Mishloah Manot", they stop at the local soup kitchen and donate some bulk foods -- and lots of cookies! This is yet another aspect of this holiday, known as "Matanot la-Evyonim" -- gifts for the poor. In the evening, they meet all their friends at the synagogue for a reading and theatrical re-enactment of the Book of Esther. Each time the villain Haman's name is mentioned, they rattle their noisemakers as loudly as they can. They fill up on special holiday cookies and run around all hopped up on sugar. Naomi is such a happy little girl, enjoying her future as an ordinary little girl, free to grow and develop without the stigma of her HIV+ status.
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