Here is Presley: (See other visions of his future here.)

Presley has Leukemia. He is so sick, but he is still smiling! He really needs a family to come and take care of him so he can get treated. I know a family from my congregation who lost a little girl to Leukemia last year. She was almost 3 years old when she died. Like Presley, she was a beautiful, happy child who brought joy everywhere she went. I can imagine them, or a family like them, adopting Presley. He would then be an only child -- a Prince! He would get the very best treatment at Children's Hospital and at the Dana Farber Institute, surrounded by the love of doting parents and a committed community. The knitting circle would make him a nice big knit kippah to cover his head during chemotherapy. He would learn to join in with the other children in singing "Adon Olam" at the end of services, enjoying the kiddush (ceremonial luncheon) afterwards in the community room, and celebrating holidays and special occasions. The whole community would rejoice when his course of treatment is completed, when he would come up to the Torah with his parents to get a special blessing. Through his healing, his parents would likewise be emotionally healed. They would confidently proceed to adopt a sibling for Presley, having seen the blessings that adoption had bestowed upon them. As the adoption is completed, the mother will find herself pregnant again -- 2 new siblings in the same year!
As he grows with his brother and sister, I see Presley learning to play a musical instrument. Ukulele, anyone? I see him learning a few chords and happily singing songs with his family and friends. He would go to the local school, where there are many families from Russia and Ukraine. The local district also has excellent services for his special needs. He would blossom and thrive. In the spring festival, he would entertain all the kids with original songs that he would accompany on his ukulele. He belongs.
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